Monday 11 October 2010

Monday Monday

Pumpkin Carving
It was a great weekend this week. We ended up carving pumpkins and baking the seeds. Sarah and I did this every October in Bermuda so it was nice to continue the tradition in Ireland thought it wasn't quite the same without her.

The girls of the Pink Cottage took to the road and had a wonderful lunch in a little neighboring village on Sunday afternoon. Sunday night was spent filing and preparing for the Monday madness.

Today was omelet day. I made the perfect 30 second omelet. Actually I've never been so nervous making something so simple. There is technique involved believe it or not..... so much so we will be graded on it for our final. I need to practice :) I made a tomato salad with homemade french dressing (easy and delicious) and I made marzipan apples. I used to think marzipan was awful then i made it and its great. Its just sugar water and almonds. The stuffed apples covered with toffee was to die for. I ate three and felt a little sick afterwards.

For Demo we learned all about game meat. We had a guy come in with a bunch of dead birds and taught us about plucking and gutting. I will never look at a duck the same again. Poor things.

This week i'm in the 'demo kitchen' its the smallest of the three kitchens and much more relaxed. Its so much fun, maybe a little too much fun especially when all  6 of us are friends. :)

Tomorrow i'm making a stuffed chicken with roast potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce. It should be wonderful. There will be some people plucking and gutting but i think i might pass on that... i just don't know if I can bring myself to cut off a ducks little head and wings. I almost... almost became vegetarian today.

Really looking forward to the field trip this week. We are piling in a bus and heading off for the day. The last time i was on a field trip i think was with Warwick Academy and the Jason Project :)

Anyways great start to the week. To bed and hope tomorrow will be delicious and successful.


Great things about today:
Tomatoes. I eat them every day here.
House mates. We are seriously a family
Roosters... Yes today... and just today i will call them nice. I like the way they walk around everywhere and right up to you.


  1. Poor little ducks
    Aunt Gwen

  2. Awwwwwwwww! I made it in to your blog!!! except it makes me sad! I want to carve pumpkins :( but glad you could have fun anyhow. Love you and miss you TONS!
