Friday 24 September 2010

Day 4 & 5

Day 4 was a lecture day. We had a passionate speech on fire safety which was interesting. I had the chance to try a fire extinguisher but I chickened out. We learned about kitchen hygiene and all that important stuff.

Home Made Raspberry Jam (presentation for tasting)
But onto today. I made JAM and it was amazing and amazingly easy. Fresh raspberries with about a ton of sugar in a pot boiled for 5 minutes. It was so good. After that I made tomato pure for soup on Monday then Mushroom a la Creme which was really rich. I got good marks for it which made me happy.

I did burn myself.... my first war wound. A couple girls have been seen running from their kitchens to the sink covered in blood. Nothing major... I guess we are all getting use to our new knives. I feel like a real chef walking around with my knives and sharpening them.

Today's demo we watched crabs being boiled to death. Actually the most humane way to cook a crab is to start with cool water and gently boil it. It puts the crabs into a coma, like they are slowing falling asleep. Well we'll never know for sure lets just wish for the best.

Darina made fresh homemade ice cream which was amazing followed by frozen popsicles. So easy and so yummy. There are just so much things that are so easy to make. If we gave ourselves the time and the decent ingredients we'd never have to eat horrible fast food again.

Its the weekend and it feels really good to know i
can sleep in tomorrow. At the moment there are a couple people in the kitchen cooking something that smells good. Tomorrow morning some of us will venture out to a farmers market which should be pretty interesting.

My kitchen

Favorite things today:
Raspberry Ice Cream
'Family' dinners in the cottage

Favorite sayings from Darina
The most over used abused terms these days:
'home made'


  1. Laura- I love the updates! Keep them coming!!!

  2. Hi Laura thoroughly enjoying reading the blog keep them coming. Keep in touch

  3. Laura you are inspiring us in the kitchen! I am LOVING your blog....more, more more please :)!
